Organic Pumpkin Seed Butter Roasted


Organic Roasted Pumpkin Seed Butter

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Super- Green and packed with Zinc !

Our organic Roasted Pumpkin Seed Butter is a carefully blended mix of mineral rich pumpkin seeds and cold pressed sunflower seed oil. Simple, savoury, healthy and delicious! A Carley’s classic with a huge following!

Pumpkin seeds are a very good source of the minerals zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper and iron. We make this product by roasting then milling whole pumpkin seeds to a fine texture then adding cold pressed sunflower seed oil.

Just two Ingredients: ( * = organic, bio, øko, eko) GB: Pumpkin seeds* (82%), cold-pressed sunflower oil*.

DE:Kürbisamen*, Sonnenblumenöl*. Ker: Has pompyon*, oyl howlvleujen*.

Fr:Graines de poitron*, huile de tournesol*.

DK/N: Ristede græskarkerner*, solsikkeolie*.

NL: Pompoenpitten*, zonnebloemolie*. No common allergens,
Pas d’allergènes communs, Geen algemene allergenen, Ingen almindelige
allergener, Keine Gemeinsamen Allergene. We are very careful to avoid any risk of cross contamination. However, as we also process sesame, mustard,
nut, and peanuts, traces may be present.

Pumpkinseeds can contain shell and stem fragments.
We check carefully and remove, but cannot guarantee to have found every piece.

Great to make dressings and dips, send us your recipe ideas, we love to try them!

Image result for pumpkin seeds

  • Vegan
  • No palm fat
  • Gluten Free
  • No added salt
  • No added sugar
  • Nothing artificial
  • No emulsifiers.
  • No GM
  • 100% Certified organic.

Nutritional Inform’n: Valeurs nutritive:
Nährwerte: Voedingswaarden : /100g
Energy: Energie: 630kcal 2636kJ
Fats: lipids: vet: Fett: fedt: 54g
saturates: acides gras saturés: gesättig
Fette: verzadigd vet: mættet fedt: 8.9g
Carbohydrates: Glucides: Koolhydraten:
karbohydrater: Kohlenhydrate: 15g
sugars: sucres: Zuckar: suikers: 0.8g
Fibre: fibres aliment: Ballaststoffe: 3.3g
Protein: Proteines: Eiwit: Eiweiss: 21g
Salt: Zout: Salz: Sel: Sal0.0375g

A rich source of Zinc: 6.3mg/100g (90% Reference index)

Additional information

Weight 250 g